Badges Explained – Greens

As No. 3 uniform is rarely worn, there are not many badges for the uniform, other than those displaying that we are in the Cadet Forces and not in the Regular or Reserve Forces.

We are currently in the process of changing over from the older, CS95 DPM (Combat Soldier (19)95, Disruptive Pattern Material) uniform, to the new PCS MTP (Personal Clothing System, Multiple Terrain Pattern) uniform. This means that, for the time being, both are acceptable uniforms. This uniform isn’t typically available to cadets from stores and therefore requires cadets to privately purchase the uniform. However some squadrons are fortunate enough to have limited stocks of DPM or MTP uniform, which would be issued to cadets if available.

Below is a comparison of DPM vs MTP pattern uniform:




ATC Badge

Position- Affixed to the beret through the pre-cut holes, with the beret then positioned so that the badge is directly over the left eye.
Purpose- To identify cadets as being unique from staff and regular RAF personnel.
Qualification- Issued with uniform.

Right Arm


Cadet ‘Tactical Recognition Flash’ (TRF)

Position- CS95 DPM: 7.5cm from the shoulder seam and centrally to the crease on the sleeve.
Position- PCS MTP: Affixed centrally to the right blanking patch and at such an angle so that the badge will be viewed as being straight when the patch is worn and the arm is at the position of attention. (Roughly, more than 45° from straight when in a ‘landscape’ orientation).
Purpose- To identify cadets as being unique from staff and regular RAF personnel.
Qualification- Issued with uniform. Note that the cadet TRF is currently under review, and new badges are not being produced. Thus, the issue of these is slow and cadets who may be in more visible circumstances (i.e. camps) may be prioritised.



Air Cadet Force Identifier

Position- CS95 DPM: Immediately above the right pocket, and central to it.
Position- PCS MTP: Not worn on MTP.
Purpose- To identify cadets as being unique from staff and regular RAF personnel.
Qualification- Issued with uniform.

Left Arm


Junior Leaders ‘Drop Zone Flash’ (DZ)

Position- CS95 DPM: 7.5cm from the shoulder seam and centrally to the crease on the sleeve.
Position- PCS MTP: Affixed centrally to the left blanking patch and at such an angle so that the badge will be viewed as being straight when the patch is worn and the arm is at the position of attention. (Roughly, more than 45° from being square when in a ‘landscape’ orientation).
Purpose- To display that the cadet has completed the Junior Leaders Course. This is the only additional badge a cadet can earn on their No.3 uniform.
Qualification- Candidates must have graduated from the Junior Leaders Course, a Corps level course accessible to senior cadets.

Air Training Corps